Togdhen Sakya Shri (1853–1919), also known as Khyungpo Sakya Shri, was a
highly realized Tibetan Buddhist master and yogi associated with the Drukpa
Kagyu and Rime (Non-Sectarian) movements. His teachings emphasize the union
of profound meditation and ethical discipline, with a special focus on Vajrayana
practices and Mahamudra. Kabum refers to the “Collected Works” of a master,
encompassing their teachings, instructions, and commentaries. Togdhen Sakya
Shri’s Kabum is a treasure trove of wisdom, including instructions on the essential
Buddhist path and Vajrayana practices.
Two key terms often associated with Vajrayana teachings, Wang (empowerment)
and Lung (oral transmission), are central to the dissemination and practice of the
teachings found in Togdhen Sakya Shri Kabum.
- Wang (དབང་, Empowerment)
Wang, or empowerment, is a ritual performed by a qualified Vajrayana master to
authorize and empower disciples to engage in specific tantric practices. It is a
profound blessing that establishes a connection between the disciple and the deity,
mandala, and lineage of the practice.
Role in Togdhen Sakya Shri’s Teachings:
In Togdhen Sakya Shri Kabum, empowerments are integral to accessing the
deeper Vajrayana teachings, especially those related to advanced practices
like Mahamudra, Dzogchen, and deity yoga.
These empowerments include blessings for practices on deities like
Vajrayogini, Chakrasamvara, and Vajrakilaya, which are central to his
Spiritual Connection: Wang establishes a direct link between the disciple
and the wisdom of the lineage.
Permission to Practice: It grants the practitioner access to the sadhanas and
meditative techniques described in the Kabum.
Ripening of Mindstream: It “ripens” the disciple’s mind, preparing them to
receive and internalize profound teachings.
- Lung (ལུང་, Oral Transmission)
Lung is the oral transmission of the scriptural teachings, where a lama recites the
texts aloud to disciples. It serves to bless and authorize the practitioner to read,
study, or practice the teachings.
Role in Togdhen Sakya Shri’s Teachings:
The Kabum contains profound instructions on foundational and advanced
practices. Receiving the Lung for these texts is essential for ensuring their
authenticity and the continuity of the lineage.
Togdhen Sakya Shri emphasized the oral transmission of key texts such as:
o Mahamudra Instructions
o Six Yogas of Naropa
o Deity Practices of Vajrayana
Preservation of Lineage: Lung ensures the unbroken continuity of the
teachings, maintaining their purity from the time of their origin.
Blessing of the Words: It carries the blessing of the master’s realization and
transmits it to the disciple.
Foundation for Study and Practice: Receiving the Lung grants permission
to read and engage with the texts authentically.
The Union of Wang and Lung in the Kabum
In the Vajrayana tradition, Wang and Lung are interdependent and essential for the
proper transmission and practice of teachings. Togdhen Sakya Shri’s Kabum is
structured to integrate these aspects, ensuring that disciples receive:
- Empowerment (Wang): To connect with the wisdom energy of the practice.
- Oral Transmission (Lung): To receive the blessing of the textual teachings.
- Practical Guidance: Detailed instructions for meditation and spiritual
Practical Application for Disciples
- Preparation for Wang and Lung:
o Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate the three roots of the path:
renunciation, bodhicitta, and correct view.
o Developing faith and devotion to the lineage is crucial. - Receiving the Teachings:
o Attending empowerments with the guidance of a qualified master.
o Receiving the Lung for associated texts ensures access to study and
practice. - Integration:
o Post-initiation, practitioners are guided to integrate the teachings into
their daily meditation, ensuring their realization through consistent
The concepts of Wang and Lung are foundational to engaging with the sacred
teachings of Togdhen Sakya Shri Kabum. Through empowerment, disciples
connect with the lineage’s blessings and energy. Through oral transmission, they
gain the authority and authenticity to study and practice the teachings. Together,
they uphold the profound wisdom of Togdhen Sakya Shri’s legacy, ensuring that
his transformative instructions continue to benefit practitioners on their journey
toward enlightenment.